School commences at 8.55am.
Kindergarten children assemble in class lines under the covered outdoor learning area (COLA) in the south playground. All other children assemble in class lines in the designated class area as instructed by the classroom teacher. Children may not go inside their classrooms except in wet weather at teacher direction.
Supervision is provided from 8.30am by teachers. Children who arrive before this time are to wait at the grass area outside the administration block. Parents must understand that no active teacher supervision is provided before 8.30am. Children arriving late must report to the office with their parent before going to class. Parents are required to sign-in children who arrive late and provide an explanation for the lateness. A doctor's certificate may be required.
Crunch and sip begin in class 10am (approximately). Each class organises this program individually and it may be a short break or be part of lessons.
Students first break starts from 11:10am to 11:50am. The canteen is open at this time to allow children to purchase food items.
Break 2 or lunch is from 1:20pm to 2pm. Whole class supervised eating time 1:20pm to 1:30pm. The school canteen is open for lunch orders and over the counter purchasing. School concludes at 3pm.
Please be punctual when delivering or collecting your child. Organise a designated meeting place for your child. Notify the school if you are running late and have made alternate arrangements.
Friday is 'upside-down day' with lunch occurring before recess due to the impact of Primary School Sport Association (PSSA) sport.
Normal Mon-Thur times will apply on Friday when COVID retrictions are in place.